terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2021

Chegou - NBA 2K22 (PS5) - R$ 349,90 ate 6x sem juros de R$ 58,31 no cartão de credito (PROMOÇÃO À VISTA EM DINHEIRO R$ 329,90) - Revolution Store Games® - Fone: (51) 3939-6666 ou (51) 99858-0014 (WhatsApp).
- Aceitamos jogos e consoles como forma de pagamento.
#revolutionstoregames #PS5 #plasytation5 #ps4 #playstation4 #NBA2K22 #NBA

Um comentário:

  1. NBA 2K22 MT is the in-game currency in the My Team mode of NBA 2K22. MT can be used to unlock packs and buy rare players. It takes time to get MT coins, so buy 2K22 MT online is a good option that has been accepted for most NBA players in previous versions, we will save you a lot of time building tiles and have a good in-game experience.
